Moving Beyond Survival Mode

Kelsey Hopkins

Survival mode gets us through adversity. Many of us have spent the entirety of the pandemic in survival mode, and some of us have never known anything else. This way of being is effective for surviving danger but it is meant to be short lived. In the long term, survival mode is a barrier to building a life worth living. The skills to plan, prioritize, manage distractions, control impulses, and reach goals are called executive function skills. They are cultivated throughout life and are part of brain development. These are the tools we need to move beyond just surviving. Kelsey will offer practical strategies for both adults and children to build these skills, get unstuck and start living!

Kelsey Hopkins is an Executive Function Coach and Director of Operations and Outcomes at Worcester ACTs. She has a BS in Public Health from Worcester State U and an MA from Clark U in International Development and Social Change. She coordinated vaccine clinics throughout the pandemic while still managing several high-level initiatives and grants for the City of Worcester, including her role as Coordinator of the Academic Health Collaborative. Her ability to manage many systems, activities and people with competing interests is unmatched. Her positivity and passion for life, equity and justice will inspire us all to be our best selves and live our best lives!