Our project is grounded in research on prevention of youth violence. With Clark University and the City of Worcester, we created an intervention model to provide direct service to families of young children. While we no longer provide direct service to families, we maintain extensive experience and expertise working with diverse audiences to make the connections between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and adult outcomes. If you are in need of direct service for a child under 10 in Worcester, contact Leah Serafin, Coordinator of Community Initiatives at 508.340.3936 or SerafinL [at] worcesterma.gov.
Our Trauma Training Tuesday series centers the lived experience and expertise of people that have been impacted by specific distressing and life altering events. We are inspired by the positive changes that occur when individuals understand how trauma impacts their mental health. We look forward to partnering with you to address trauma and create a more connected community.
We provide training to organizations interested in understanding the impact of trauma and developing responsive services. We always work in partnership to be inclusive and customize content to meet the needs of our audience. Contact Kelsey Hopkins for more information or to set up an initial consultation.
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