Raising children is stressful in the best of times. Our culture offers parents judgement, condemnation, and little tangible support. Many of us come to parenting with our own trauma and unmet needs. In addition, the past few years have challenged our health and safety while simultaneously rupturing our sense of normalcy and connection. For BIPOC parents these stressors are amplified. Unrealistic expectations and toxic stress can leave parents feeling triggered and overwhelmed and can leave children with the lifelong work of healing past wounds. These parent leaders will share their journey and what helps.
Nikki Bell has been a vocal and consistent advocate for systemic change and social justice. As she has worked to build a new life for herself post trauma, she has encountered difficulty at every turn.
Louise Burrell is a community leader and parent advocate. She founded the Good Street Project to bring together and support parents in the BIPOC community and share information about mental health.
Christi Berry has endured unimaginable trauma in childhood and then witnessed her son struggle in many of the same ways. She has engaged in reflection, education, and service to others to not let the tragedy of his lost life be all that defines her.
Wairimu Macharia is a Peace & Conflict Resolution Professional, Certified Mediator and Community Conversations Enthusiast. She has served as a consultant to DPH with a focus on early childhood.